Château Fougas a mineral wine?
The wines produced in biodynamic are often characterized by their great minerality …
But what means mineral wine?
All the Terroirs differ in the geological composition of their soil in minerals: shale, limestone, flint, iron, iodine, sodium, manganese, Silicium, magnesium, etc… The mother rock releases these mineral compounds which are assimilated by the roots in the form of salts and these are therefore likely to end up in the wine.
The Terroir is therefore revealed in some wines endowed in turn with a powerful minerality … It is thus possible to recognize their provenance at their tasting.
The members of the Brotherhood of the Tastevins of Burgundy were able to recognize by the simple estimation of their minerality wines of different « climates » separated just from a few meters … ..
The minerality expresses itself not on the nose but in the mouth, it gives the wine a certain elasticity and a palatability that varies according to the mineral salts contained in it …
There is a great diversity of salinities and it is the whole that brings this salty dimension. Magnesium, for example, has a particular salinity that provides feelings of bitterness.
Finally, the mineral salts harmonize the gustatory components of the wine. The minerality comes into interaction, so much so that when one experiences the sweetness in different saline solutions, this sweetness can be appreciated very differently. The same goes for acids, alcohols, tannins and even for astringency.
The biodynamic culture allows a very important development of mycorrhizae on the root system of the vines. These host mushrooms, which feed on the sap, bring back to the vine all the minerals contained in the soil …
This is why the Terroir effect is more important in biodynamic wines …
At the tasting, they possess this indefinable something that constitute their own personality and make them each recognizable among all, because there are as many types of salinity as Terroirs …